Monday, November 5, 2007

Nude Lucy Pinder Topless Special In NUTS Magazine

-Hi Lucy! Are you getting used to these "nipples out" photo shoots now?

Yeah! From the very first "nipples out" shoot I did it felt pretty normal, to be honest. I mean, even in my older shoots, even though my nipples were covered up I didn't really have a great deal of clothing on, so there's not that much difference for me, really. It's actually easier if anything - it saves me having to find ways to cover myself up!
-If you were to do a two-girl shoot with somebody who'd never gone topless before, who would you want that girl to be?

Ooh, blimey... let me think. Well, I've said before that if Cheryl Cole was ever up for it, I'd like to do one with her. I reckon that might go down well with the boys. "Maybe I could do a photo shoot with the whole of Girls Aloud - with all of them topless!"
-Do you think that, all things considered, you might actually have the best pair of boobs ever to grace planet earth?
Well, I can't possibly say yes, can I? What would that make me look like? But they're a good pair, I'll give them that. They are a good pair of boobs, but I don't know if they're the best boobs ever to grace planet earth!

-So who owns the greatest pair of boobs of all time on planet earth ever, then?
There are thousands of fantastic pairs of boobs out there. But I suppose I'd probably have to say that Pamela Anderson's boobs were the greatest of all time. They're just legendary.
-You've done the topless shoots now - can you see yourself going the full monty at any point? Ooh, you mean pants off? Nooo... I mean, the idea of doing Playboy or something like that is kind of appealing, but I just haven't got the guts for that sort of thing. I've got my nipples out and I'm happy with that, but I think I'll just leave it there. That's enough for me.

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