Monday, February 11, 2008

Jessica Simpson Bazaar Cover Girl

And she’s back! After a brief hiatus while she was dating John Mayer and simultaneously was accosted with my favorite headline ever, namely, “IT’S NOT A FAT SUIT,” my nemesis Jessica Simpson is BACK. (I like to have a nemesis at all times. For a while it was a woman I worked with [NOT HEATHER] who used to correct my grammar all the time, except she’d change it so that it was WRONG. Another time it was my landlord, who charged me for DEPRECIATION ON THE WASHING MACHINE. That ass. And then, of course, there was Paul Giamatti. HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID.) But Jessica Simpson is my favorite nemesis, because she’s always doing totally dumb stuff. Sure, I suppose it’s exciting to have a brilliant, Lord Voldemort-y nemesis, because it challenges you and all that, but I’m lazy. It’s so much easier to have a nemesis who’s likely to hoist herself on her own petard. In fact, I suspect her petard is exactly what Jessica is hoisting in the cover shot below:

Jessica Simpson

Why else would she have her arm all stuck up in the air like that, in what might be the most AWKWARD-looking cover I have EVER SEEN? The good people at Glossed Over (also not fans of this cover) swears that J Simp is holding a bundle of balloons, and I’m sure that’s true. What’s also true is that they appear to be about ready to rip her arm right out of its socket. It doesn’t even look like HER arm. Hell, it barely looks like AN arm. She looks like she just happened to wander in front of a narrow, flesh-colored pillar. (There’s a dirty, easy joke in there, isn’t there? I’ll give you a moment to make it to yourself.) She also sort of looks like she’s got fangs, a development I never noticed before. With the new darker hair and the new sharper teeth, is she a vampire now? And shouldn’t that information be on the cover? Hell, I’d totally buy a magazine that promised “A Look Inside Jessica’s Dark New Blood-Sucking World.”

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